Sunday 17 July 2011


Peonies are possibly my favourite flowers. (I say possibly because I can never truly choose between peonies and lilies of the valley. And lilacs.)

(Today is one of my slower days. The house is quiet and nights are again growing darker. I think I'd quite like not to have to be alone tonight.

Sometimes my courage dissipates and my hands begin to shake again and the only thing I can do is wait for a new morning, a new beginning. But by now I've learnt that mornings do arrive on time, and there's nothing to worry about. Not really.

And peonies help, with their heavy flowers and slim yet sturdy stems. There can never be anything sad or wistful about peonies. Which makes them my favourite, for tonight.)

Photo from Matchbook Magazine, found on Lolita.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! There is something so beautiful to me how peonies are able to carry such a big load on a slim stem. It's very inspiring.
